Friday, May 22, 2009

Look ma! Let's put it on the fridge! Logos - BH Creative

Wow, why am I posting this one again. In color here. Before I had any conversations with others about design and logos, my creative little dreamer came up with this big no-no. Not really appealing anymore, the maiin font is probably a poor choice. And the icon or symbol come only in a Photoshop effect metal glaze.

It worked well on the web though. Unfortunately, the domain name expired and I have no portfolio site. Hence, welcome to my effort. One of the worst parts was that my pride & joy in this idea was misinterpeted by several. The icon is intended to display an slightly abstract representation of the letters "b-h-c" for "bh creative". The "h" is capital. The line between the "b" and the "c" make up the middle ine of the "H" - there's a name for that line which a professional logo designer would know and most likely have to explain in a proposal I would guess.

So here's the downer of my designs. the one where you have to explain it to mom and whoever else looks at the fride. "No, see it? SEE IT? It's RIGHT there? It's the line between the 'b' and the ... nevermind ..." The design you have to explain. And no one wants and explanation. they want clarity in design. Most branding probably doesn't need a tag of explanation on it. But it got a little better. It was the base of an idea that may develop.

The hat was a sketch that drew my little misunderstood icon closer to my heart. It was like that loving hug a mom could only give her smallest ugly kid. And no-one else could touch that feeling or would ever want to. Get out of here you ugly little !@#? !!!

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